Shop posters

Shop posters
A store is a place that has to convince customers to shop there. One of the tools that works best in this role is precisely the poster. However, no retail outlet has a monopoly on customer interest - every retailer should ensure that advertising brings in buyer traffic. If you wish to have an effective shop poster, this is what you should consider: its location, its content and the suitable design.
The location where the poster will hang plays a key role. Shop posters are divided into promotional and informative. The first ones are meant to attract attention, so ensure they are positioned in a way that reinforces their persuasive nature. It is a good idea to place them outside the building - especially those posters that advertise very favourable promotions, sale days or new products. Informative posters, on the other hand, are usually placed indoors as it takes time and concentration to read their content.
Shop posters should stand out, so make sure they are large in size, have an intriguing shape and a distinctive colour scheme. However, do not overdo with the content - the potential customer only has a few seconds to read the message, so highlight what is most important and most memorable. Sometimes one short word, such as 'promotion' or 'sale', proves effective enough. The design of promotional posters often includes a catchy slogan, accompanied by compelling graphics. An informative poster can definitely provide more details. That's where the customer should find answers to questions about a particular product, event or action organised by a particular retailer.
When designing posters, the focus should be on graphics. Posters of an advertising nature are most often created in distinctive colours and incorporate attractive graphics. However, restraint must be exercised to ensure the clarity of the project in question. Expressive colours catch the attention of the customers. A common procedure is to create colour contrasts, i.e. to juxtapose the font and the background that are rendered in contrasting colours. With information posters, on the other hand, the primary concern should be their legibility. The most important details should be highlighted by making them bold or underlined. In this way, the customer will quickly obtain the information they need, which will positively influence their opinion of the retailer in question.