We care about the environment
Not so long ago, ecology was treated as a kind of fashion, but nowadays more and more people realise that the conscious use of natural resources is an obligation. There is no denying that one or two persons cannot change the planet – we know that every activity has an impact on the environment and we try to take care of it every day. We have introduced a range of solutions contributing to environmental protection and spreading awareness of environmental action.
- we use modern technologies which reduce energy consumption in production
- we purchase electricity from renewable energy sources
- we are preparing to install our own photovoltaic panels with a capacity of 300 kW
- we strictly follow procedures regarding recycling of materials and printing ink
- we recycle and process materials and use recycled materials in production according to the suggestions of our clients
- we advise our clients on the most environmentally friendly solutions in line with the latest trends and regulations concerning, among others, reducing the carbon footprint; in response to EU directives, we want to be the first choice for our clients in terms of products and services they need to decarbonise their supply chain and meet the CSR social criteria
- in order to reduce gas consumption and CO2 production, our hall is heated by process heat from the machines, which was made possible by a specially designed air system