Posters on poles

Posters on poles
Advertising poles are designed for both indoor and outdoor purposes. The most common locations for this type of media are: city centres, intersections, pedestrian zones, bus stops, tram stops, metro stations, stadiums and airports. They often appear as an attractive element of street furniture that complies with the Landscape Act. Advertising poles effectively capture the public's attention by providing changing sequences of information.
Large-size posters on advertising poles are impossible to miss. Advertising poles guarantee the display of advertising in close proximity to the viewer - we pass them every day while walking on the pavement or see them at intersections while driving. Large format posters will reach a wider audience, there, where a smaller format is no longer effective. The posters on the poles are aimed at passers-by walking along the streets and also reach audiences travelling by bike, scooter, public transport and car.
Posters displayed on poles are one of the most popular ways of presenting an offer or information - in order to perform at their best, they need to be interesting and distinctive; dry facts or technical data are not enough to intrigue a passer-by. A successful poster has to feature a skilfully executed graphic design, an unprecedented solution or an eye-catching logo. However, people are usually busy and may not even pay attention to the most beautiful poster printed in a small format.
Our print shop will enable you to design posters in any format on the following materials: poster paper 150 g/m2, poster paper 200 g/m2, silk paper 220 g/m2, photo paper 200 g, citylight paper 180 g/m2.