Site stickers

Site stickers
Site and glass stickers are suitable for shops, restaurants, salons, surgeries, service establishments, exhibitions, cafés, hotels and public facilities. They will fit in everywhere and guarantee to convey the necessary information about promotions, discounts, sales, safety rules, health and hygiene regulations, opening hours, etc.
They are very simple to apply both on the interior and exterior of surfaces (showcase, window glazing, exhibitions).
The stickers are printed and cut from strong self-adhesive foil with removable, droplet adhesive making them simple and easy to apply. Top quality digital UV printing (eco-friendly, odourless inks) and a protective laminate extend the life of the sticker, protecting it from any damage and scratches. Most often, there are two options to choose from: the so-called right-readable (bonding from the front/back of the sticker to the surface - the adhesive is on the reverse side of the graphic) and left-readable (bonding from the back/front of the sticker to the surface - the adhesive is on the front side of the graphic, the visibility of the sticker is on the other side of the transparent glass).