Full-vehicle graphic

Full-vehicle graphic
The most effective advertising on vehicles, it offers considerable scope for creating a visual message (unlimited colour palette, possibility of using photos).
Depending on the design and shape of the bodywork, we use printed monomeric foil, cast foil or polymeric foil for wrapping cars. One Way Vision foil, which does not restrict visibility from inside the vehicle, is most commonly used for windows. It is also possible to execute the advertisement on magnetic foil, which can be placed on and removed from the vehicle at any time and can be applied in seconds, as well as removed. The only restriction for these foils is that they must be placed on the flat surface of the car, and are not recommended for surfaces that are embossed.
On the other hand, branding made from reflective foil is visible at night - any shape can be cut out of it, as with plotter advertising, but it is mostly used for projects requiring few colours, without the use of complex graphics.