Easel graphic

Easel graphic
An easel is a traditional painting stand, indispensable when painting with oil or acrylic paints. Today, its practical use goes beyond a stand to support a canvas - nowadays they often also act as displays, or stands for information and advertising boards.
There are many reasons why painting easels and tripods are so popular - their use, on the one hand, provides stable support for both the featured graphics and, on the other, allows a great deal of freedom and mobility, also allowing the viewer to examine the 'masterpiece' from a further perspective. When placed upon an easel, graphics or a painting evokes the image of an original artwork that has just been completed, still drying, as it were, straight from the studio - and is thus associated with something special, original, unique and noble, because it has been created by the artist's hand.
This is probably why restaurants and hotels are invoking such associations and displaying menu boards, using tripod easels and graphics on them. Galleries and showrooms are also keen to appeal to such associations of freshness or uniqueness. Table top easels are also often used to present small format menu boards.
An easel is an elegant and very ingenious way of presenting graphics printed on boards such as Plexiglas, Hips, PVC, Kappa, but also on cardboard, so-called Display, or canvas stretched over a frame. It also works well as a base for posters presented in snap picture frames. The easel folds down to a very small size, making it easy to carry.